Latest Gakusuin


Click the above Picasa Button to see the full Gallery of Gakushuin Karate International.

All photographs have been taken by Karateka, parents or children of Gakushuin Karate International.

We would like to thank all contributors.  If you would like a copy of your photograph please contact Gakushuin Karate International for more information.

If you would like to donate photographs for the Gallery please email the

Welcome to all first timers and welcome back to the rest of you. As you can see we have given our site a new look, but we have retained a piece of the old look on our Gallery Section. Whilst you refresh yourself with our site remember to look at the diary as to whats happening this month. Hopefully you will find some useful information which will assist you with general terms of karate. We also include helpful information about Gakushuin and its Clubs

Please feel free to contact us should you have any queries.

Members of Gakushuin can always email articles, pictures to the webmaster. We have a new youth section under construction and awaiting articles.

Find out more about Gakushuin and our Chief Instructor Gilliland Sensei. Visit our instructors page to find out more about your instructor.

Don't forget to keep coming back to check our web site as we hold many events in UK and Europe..


Gassuku 2015

Congratulations to all those who attended the course this year and well done to those who graded after a very long week.  Most of all a Big thank you to the Instructors Sensei John Gilliland and Sensei Brian Hall for their time and patience during the long days all week.

dan grade course

Gakushuin Calendar


WUKF World Champions 2016

A Hearty congratulations to Brian Hall and Hayley Just on becoming WUKF World Champions 2016

Clearly a force to be reckoned with.

Best wishes from all at Gakushuin


